What is a cookie?

Connor’s Greens LLC (“Connor’s Greens ”) uses cookies on its website. A cookie is a small text file stored by a webpage on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The information stored can be retrieved by our servers when you visit our website again.
Connor’s Greens uses cookies to improve the way the website functions and to monitor how you use the website, by recording the visitor numbers and times, and the average length of time spent on a page. This data is processed in aggregated form only and is not traced back to an individual or device. Below you will find the categories and purpose of cookies used by Connor’s Greens.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies allow the Connor’s Greens website to function properly. Without these cookies, the website could not function as well as it does. Examples include remembering information you enter on different pages, saving preferences and login information, and detecting your browser settings to optimize how the website is displayed. These cookies are strictly necessary and your consent is not required. Functional cookies can be deleted in your browser settings.

Analytical cookies

Connor’s Greens uses analytical cookies to track and measure which parts of the website are most frequently visited. Statistics are then generated based on the information collected, such as visitor numbers, average length of time of visit, and popular pages/topics. These statistics help us to make the website content and navigation as user-friendly as possible. The statistics do not relate to individuals.

Google Analytics

A cookie is placed on our website by Google, as part of its Analytics service. Connor’s Greens uses this service to track and receive reports about how visitors use the site. Since Connor’s Greens has concluded a data processor agreement with Google, the ‘share data with Google’ option is disabled. Therefore, Google does not process the full IP address, we not use any other Google services, and your consent to the use of cookies is not required.

Sociale Media Buttons

Social Mmedia companies place cookies on your device with your consent. Social Mmedia cookies allow you to access articles or videos (embedded content) from social media (such as YouTube) on our website. You can also like or share content via Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Google+, and LinkedIn by using the buttons. We are not aware of what these parties do with these cookies. Please see the privacy statement (which is modified regularly) for each Ssocial Mmedia Ccompany to find out what happens with your personal data through the use of these cookies.